
Friday, July 11, 2014

Wilton Method Instructor

Soooooo......I might be a Wilton instructor soon!!!  Yikes!  My instructor, Lynda, is leaving : -( and she recommended me to the store manager to take her place.  I do want to be an instructor, but I never thought this soon.  She said, well you know everything, and in my head, I'm thinking no I don't.  I do, but am I ready to teach others?  I'm a little nervous because I'm scared to mess up and look like I have no clue in front of my students!  What is a gal to do.  I finally filled out the online Michael application and now I need to touch base with the store manager to let him know that I completed it.  I'm sure he's wondering what happened considering we spoke about this last Saturday.  But, I'll take a deep breath, practice what I haven't went over since class and make the best of it! : -)

I don't know why I second guess my self when it comes to cake decorating, I do see my progress and I know that I do a good job.  Wish me luck!

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