
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Norman's Birthday

This is by far and no where near as neat as it should have been. However, if you view my June 2012 post of the first cake I made for Norman, it's definitely better this time around. I rushed through the entire decorating process because he was coming over and I literally had 10 minutes to finish. I'm surely not good enough, yet, to rush and make it look here it is. Happy Birthday Norman (BTW...his b-day is 4/23...not today). 

P.S. My roses will look much better next go round. My Wilton instructor showed me one time how to do it. We haven't started roses in the class yet so I feel special that I was shown ahead of time. I love my leaves...they were definitely a super challenge for me in class. I totally sucked at making them and now I'm great! 😃

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