
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Wedding Cake

Well definitely not mine!!!  My brother's, congrats Lamar!  Soooo I'm going to make the cake. I'm a little nervous because I'm a home baker who bakes simple stuff for the holidays. The good thing is...drum roll please! The cake will be buttercream!  Thanks to Lynda (my Wilton instructor), I know how to properly spread buttercream now!  And thanks to Gretchen from Woodland Bakery, I know the trick to make the buttercream look smooth and get rid of any air bubbles. Wanna know the secret?  Then you need to go to Woodland Bakery Blog and sign up to be a Woody Insider!  Gretchen (I think her last name is Price) is also on FB and YouTube. So I'm not getting anything to promote anyone or anything I blog about. I just like sharing info I've learned and the talented people I learned it from who also inspires me to become the best baker/decorator ever!  Or in my world a Pastry Chef. Which is what I'll be calling myself when I'm up and running with my business in the future. 

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